Saturday, March 26, 2011

251 Weeks

My employer cut 10% of it's US workforce this week due to it's biggest customer's lack of sales. I got to stay but 38 employees were let go. The bosses said it was a layoff, and for some that may be true, but many of those let go will never be called back. A few had been with the company since it was formed a decade ago and were good workers. I couldn't even begin to understand why those folks were selected to be let go as their functions were still ongoing.

I've been working in manufacturing for 42 years for 5 different multinational companies. I've seen alot but will never understand why most decisions are made. Most upper management strikes me as idiot savants who won't listen to the advice that they pay for, only care about how they look and sow destruction with little regard for the consequences. Amongst management in general, only one in a hundred is competent. I can only recall two highly competent managers that I respected in my entire career!

God willing, and if I live that long, I intend to retire at age 66. That's 251 weeks from today! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It's not that I don't like working. The problem with working is the crass employers, stupid managers and often, antisocial workforce. Society has changed since I started working and so has the workplace. When I started working there was a bond between employer and employee, boss and employee and between employees. My grandfather and father worked for a single employer their entire life. It was almost like a marriage! Now employers get a hooker for an hour. In the past, when you knew you might work with people for decades, you might treat them with respect. Now employees treat each other like drivers on the interstate that they'll never see again. The more employers use the word "teamwork" the less it occurs.

Thirty years ago, I had a career. Now I have a job (at least for awhile). I'm told that I'm lucky to have a job and should be grateful. Ok. You're not smart enough to know how lucky you are to have me as an employee. At least for the next 251 weeks!


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