Friday, March 25, 2011


Muslims. What a bunch of fucked up pieces of shit. Probably the stupidest creatures on the planet. More like rats than humans. Here they are on holy day engaged in absurd violence, just for the sake of violence. That is what Islam is all about after all.

Who are the "good guys" in Libya? Nobody. Because they're all muslims. NATO is on a fool's errand in Libya because there is no intelligence, civilization or humans in the country. Just a bunch of rats destroying whatever civilization foreigners built.

The evening of 9/11/01 I stated that, as President, I would have ordered a nuclear strike on Mecca. I would have used the dirtiest warhead in my arsenal. I would have addressed the world and stated that any further muslim violence against my country would result in the destruction of muslim population centers. I would have closed all mosques in the US, refused entry into the US by muslims and demanded all muslims take a public oath of loyalty to the US. Failure to do so would have resulted in instant deportation and forfeiture of assets.

Stupid Westerners thought that Islam could be reformed. It can't. It is a disease. Like alcoholism, the first step to healing the disease is to stop drinking. The first step of healing for muslims is to become former muslims.

Religion is codified culture. Islam is the culture of very barbaric people who live like rats. The culture must be destroyed for muslims to become human.

Any questions about where I stand?


Blogger Linda P said...

"The evening of 9/11/01 I stated that, as President, I would have ordered a nuclear strike on Mecca."

That would have been the best thing to do, instead of trying to win "hearts and minds" and losing our men in the process.

A truly devastating attack on Mecca (even non-nuclear) would have crushed Islam and showed its stupid adherents that they are not favored by "Allah".

10:00 PM  

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