Sunday, February 20, 2011

Global Population Unsustainable

What the hell is wrong with the world? The answer is easy for me. Too many people with too much communication and interaction. Think about it, when I was born in 1951 the global population was 2.5B people. Now the population is 6.9B people, a 276% increase in 60 years!

It took time for news to communicated across the globe during most of my life, and news was filtered by the powers that be before dissemination. Now news is delivered instantly, without any filtering or political filtering by highly opinionated people.

Global travel and migration was also limited for most of my life. Now it is normal behavior for even the most common people. Who would have considered migrating across the globe six decades ago and setting up a home in the middle of a foreign culture and not keeping a low profile? Now people migrate and try to force their culture on the host like conquerors.

The planet cannot support the energy and food needs for the present global population. And humanity cannot learn how to adapt to cultural differences quickly enough to coexist peaceably.  Humanity is heading for disaster.

The global population is moving to 9.1B by 2050 with 173M births per year. By 2100 the global population will reach 14B people, all wanting to be warm, cool, travel and have a full belly. Where will the energy and food come from? Where will these people live and work? Will 13.99B people willingly live like peasants while a few thousand live like gods?

I don't think so. Competition for ever dwindling resources will increase exponentially with population growth. The competition will escalate to violence on an unprecedented historical level from neighborhoods to nations. Neither science nor leadership is up to the task at hand. Leadership is only focused on accumulating wealth and power to position themselves and their descendants to survive the coming crisis.

The current global population is equal to the number of humans that ever lived on earth. Think about that!

Two thirds of humanity must die to sustain humanity. Otherwise humanity will cease to exist.

Which? Who? How? I don't know. But it will come because it must. Either we pull the trigger or the planet will. Count on it.


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