Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Islamists Won

I'm calling it. The Islamists won. They won the day we succumbed to allowing ourselves to be virtually strip searched or, worse yet, molested by security agents in the name of safety. And even worse yet, safety that will never come, because the bomber will always, eventually, succeed, leading to even more security horrors.

I had a conversation the other day at work with one of my guys. This big, adult man complained that he was not absolutely safe because I have a right to carry a firearm. He thought I shouldn't have that right. That the government should ban guns because that would make him safe. He got angry when I asked him if criminals would refrain from carrying and using weapons because of the law. He couldn't answer the question. He just blustered, dissembled and said I was wrong.

Absolute safety. What would that look like? Everyone locked in a cage? There never has been nor never will be absolute safety. You can always reduce risk but you can never eliminate risk. So long as your heart beats and your lungs breathe, you will never be safe.

Westerners are cowards. Rather than fight and kill those who conduct and support those who would kill Western civilians, Westerners submit to "security measures" like allowing your daughter to have a finger traced across her labia and butt crack. Or irradiate her while taking radiographs that would send a civilian to prison for child pornography. All in the name of "security" that will never come.

Our ancestors would be angry, as they should be. We gave up rights that were bought with much blood and treasure in a vain, hopeless quest for safety. We will have neither rights nor safety. Islamists and myriad other thugs will wreak mayhem while we are all treated like criminals to be groped, poked and demeaned.

So let the record show that the Islamists won the "war" against the West in October 2010.


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