Sunday, September 12, 2010


As I sit here at my computer I'm traveling at 766 miles per hour as the earth rotates about it's axis. Only the 21 mph gravitational pull of the earth keeps me from spinning off of the planet into space. Meanwhile the earth races around the sun at 67,000 mph with only the gravitational pull of our star keeping me and the earth from flying off into the galaxy. Our solar system circles the center of the Milky Way at 568,000 mph while the galaxy itself speeds away from the center of the universe at 159,000 mph per megaparsec.

I am being continually bombarded by particles forming the cosmic wind traveling near the speed of light at 671 million mph. When the earth faces our star, I am bombarded with particles forming the solar wind traveling at 811,000 mph. Only the earth's magnetosphere protects me from being cooked by solar and cosmic radiation. The tiny dipole magnetic field measuring 0.3-0.6 Gauss is all that stands between me and oblivion.

If you ponder all of this, it is a wonder that we puny carbon based creatures can even survive in the maelstrom of this universe. Surely God made a way for us in His creation and holds us in His protection by gravity and magnetic fields.


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