Saturday, March 06, 2010

Children Throw Temper Tantrum When Allowance Cut

What a headline! Students riot when faced with reduced educational aid and increased fees because government is bankrupt. Apparently these supposedly "smart kids" who are able to get accepted by a college are unable to comprehend that the US economy is in a depression. Each one of these entitled little despots have been told they are special throughout their life, so they think they deserve an exemption from reality to go to school.

These little, socialist monsters are going to get what they deserve though in the end. By the time they are 30 the US government will be paying one trillion dollars a year in interest alone. Inflation will cancel any growth in the US economy thus these brats will be paying more than half their income in taxes. Enjoy your socialist utopia kids!

The most disturbing part of this story however is all the god damned brown-skinned Marxists parading around in red shirts with their fists raised in the air demanding their rights. What freaking rights, you sons of wetbacks that invaded my country? Go home if you want to create a racist commune. I don't give one shit about your rights and demands.


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