Thursday, June 28, 2012

Damn Socialists

The Supreme Court upheld Obamacare and have destroyed any chance of victory for Mitt Romney. Obama will be easily re-elected in 2012 by the now socialist electorate in america. It's the voters that enable support for legislation like Obamacare. They want free stuff. It will only get worse as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It will only stop when the money finally runs out.

As my parents generation and mine die off, conservatism will die, and with it the constitution. The socialist, nanny electorate will only get stronger, demanding that government right every wrong and meet every need. Only the well connected, hypocritic super wealthy will be able to hold private property. The US becomes imperial Rome.

Obamacare will be the death of me. I'm a white man who's over the hill. I'll get rationed, drive-thru Medicare and be chosen by a death panel for neglect. But I won't go out without a fight and a words on my lips

Damn socialists.


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