Wednesday, November 09, 2011

All Gone

After pushing the global financial crisis around the world for the last three years and building an epic house of cards for two decades it looks like the whole thing may well blow up in our faces. Everything was a lie every day. The businesses, the houses, the cars, the educations but mostly the pretend wealth that funded it all was just a lie.

Greece and Italy are finished. There just isn't enough wealth to prop either up. As banks try they will fail and push more into failure. Who knows how bad it could get? Just too many lies that have gone on for far too long. Who do you trust? Who hasn't lied to you?

I did my job, I did what I was asked to do by my leaders for the last 36 years. But they all lied to me about everything. Now everything is wrecked. In hindsight, I should have shot them in the head when they first started sounding nuts. But I trusted them. Now it's all gone.


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