Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Republicans scored big victories in the house and state governor races sending a vote of no confidence in democrat leadership. But with the presidency and senate still in democrat hands we're looking at two more years of czars, policy by executive edict but more importantly, legislative gridlock.

Obama and his democrat cohort are stubborn bastards and they will likely carry on with their mandate from heaven, ignoring the fact that outside major cities, most americans are fairly conservative. So we settle into our new normal, somewhere between policies of Canada and the EU.

The Fed will announce QE2 today and how much money they will print. It could be $500B or $2T, but without restraint it will push the dollar down and commodities up. With GDP growth under 2% and unemployment locked in at 10-20% the US economy will remain in a comatose state.

Obama and the imperial entourage will head to India where he and 3000 guests will spend $200M per day on a state visit. So what's the problem?


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