Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dear Leader says- we get to go along for the ride but we have to sit in the back seat

I haven't been able to cook a pot of beans or pork roast  on an open fire this Fall as is my tradition. Our state DHS put a burn ban in place when Fall started due to dry conditions. I understand but this is just another example of nanny government treating citizens like children who can't make good decisions. I've had open fires in the Fall for three decades without incident but now I'll be fined $2500 for a fire.

Our modern society just gets more restrictive every day, with government sticking it's long nose in personal business in almost every matter. In NYC the government wants to make whistling at women a crime but allows a 4 year old to be sued for a bicycle accident. Is there anything that government can't get involved in or regulate?

This Samhuin I won't have my traditional open fire to warm us after the festivities. The government mandated trick-or-treat hours are 1700-2000 hrs so everything will be done by nightfall, or children could be arrested.

There is no humanity left in our civilization, everything is mandated and commercialized until we are just scripted actors in someone else's play. Actually, we're all criminals just waiting to be apprehended for our ongoing criminal conspiracies against the tyrannical state. If nothing else we all could be arrested under the RICO statutes. Just how many laws and regulations are there that we break every day in the normal course of living?

Modern american civilization has lost it's organic feel, we have lost touch with the earth and it's cycles, substituting some contrived, synthetic facsimile more like The Matrix than human life. Life has become a mandate to work to earn income that is pre-spent on requirements while complying with an infinite number of additional requirements that we have no input on. As our Dear Leader recently said "we get to go along for the ride but we have to sit in the back seat". Ok. But I'm saying wee-wee-wee all the way home.


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