Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vote 2010: American Kabuki

The political kabuki that is american elections has a little over a week to go. I can't wait for it to end so we can see what the global elites' next move is.

I have no faith that a republican majority will fundamentally alter anything in this country. The republicans and democrats are taking us to the same place, the democrats are just driving faster. The Tea Party folk are nice, polite people utterly incapable of understanding, let alone dealing with, the forces relentlessly driving us to a feudal society.

As is my custom for the past 38 years,  I'll trudge over to the voting poll, hold my nose, gag and vote. I'll probably vomit in my mouth a little bit afterwards. But it won't change anything.

We'll probably have a republican majority in the House and a tiny democrat majority in the Senate. With Obama's veto, we're certain to have legislative gridlock. Obama will continue to use unaccountable czar's to force his redistributive agenda on the people.

Obamacare will stand and the Bush tax cuts will most likely expire, pushing millions of americans out of the middle class into near poverty. Financial reform will give every american family a new monthly bill, the checking account fee unless you agree to direct deposit and keep several thousand dollars in a savings account that yields nothing.

The Fed will print $3, $6 or $14 trillion more dollars to revive the US economy but we'll still be in the 2007 iDepression 2.0 because without trust or confidence that's what you get. Most of those freshly printed dollars will find their way overseas into the offshore accounts of global corporations.

So this election will be like Kabuki, a lot of fancy costumes, masks and stuff going on. But nobody can figure out what the hell it means.


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