Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Now Illegal Aliens Can Vote?

Not a US citizen? Want to vote? No problem according to 9th Circuit Judge Sandra Ikuta and Judge Sandra O'Connor. If you're willing to roll the dice on being indicted for perjury you can register and vote even if you're a Mexican peon or a jihadi from Waziristan. When was the last time that you ever heard of anyone being indicted for voter registration fraud? Ever?

Democrats are doing everything in their power to corrupt the election process in this country, including giving votes to non-eligible voters. And many liberal, activist judges aren't helping. Next thing you know, they'll be allowing the entire population of the planet to register and vote in US elections...vote to give themselves our houses, bank accounts and children as slaves.

There is no wrong to be overturned in this case. It is not an unreasonable hurdle to require proof of citizenship upon registration.Only citizens of a nation can vote. Either you have legal standing as a citizen or not, there is no in between.  Otherwise all of Mexico would cross the border, vote for open border and amnesty candidates then go home to collect the goodies that their candidates bestow upon them.


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