Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Tab Dump

Dictator Obama ordered banks to stop requiring mortgage payments and write off principal for the victim class today. His excellency was unfazed by news that Social Security payments exceeded receipts this year AND the CBO report that US debt will be 90% of GDP by 2020.

Meanwhile Transportation Comissar Ray LaHood announced that bicycles would be treated equally with motorized vehicles, ending decades of discrimination against "da peeple's ride". LaHood sees millions of american peasants people bicycling to work and about town, just like Chinese peasants.

Over at Belmont Club, Wretchard is as gloomy about the future of america as I have ever read.

Elsewhere over at PJMedia, fascist Praetorian commented " The bottom line is that your kind doesn’t understand defeat. In a political sense we need to smash your face into the ground and hold it there by putting our foot on the back of your neck so you don’t get back up. You and your ilk are the enemy within and a clear and present danger to our way of life in America."

When did this approach ever represent "our way of life in america"? What is this astro-turfing fascist advocating? That political defeat by a simple majority result in annihilation of the "other"? When did fascism become an american tradition?

Democrats whine about Conservative threats, harassment and partisan politics. This acolyte of the dictator wants to emulate blood-thirsty tyrants like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Pol Pot, who murdered perhaps 200 million people in the 20th century. There is no tradition of this sort of political discourse in this nation, even at the height of the Civil War. The people of america must reject Praetorian's fascism lest we fall into civil war.


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